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5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need Digital Marketing

In 2023! Many Businesses have realized the power of Digital Marketing Services, especially after the Pandemic businesses getting online using AI, and transforming processes with smart and intelligent systems. As per research from Lloyds Bank Business, 51% Small and Medium Sized Enterprises-SMEs have shifted completely or partially online. However, only 12% of small Businesses have shifted online in the United Kingdom.

Internet Advertising Services have brought significant change in the operations of Businesses, several organizations have achieved astonishing growth with the help of online marketing and integrating their systems and processes bringing synergy and unleashed the Growth opportunities.

Big Giants have budgets, resources and can take Risks. But the question remains, how can small enterprises benefit from Internet advertising Services? It will put an extra burden on their budget?

Result is wrong assumptions on online costing and Internet advertising budget, small business owners still hesitate to use online advertising services and burden themselves with doing every task on their own.

Let’s discuss the importance of Digital Marketing services for SMEs, especially for small businesses to utilize the full potential of their business.

Here are the Five convincing Reasons which suggest SMEs should use Online advertising as part of their business operations.

Achieving Cost-Effective Reach

The main objective of Every Business is to reach more customers and convert them into profitable Customers. But using traditional marketing methods demands a large amount of financial investment. On the other hand, Internet Marketing provides various options such as Meta Ads, PPC, and other alternatives to reach their targeted customers at much lower costs. 

As per DataReportal, there were 66.11 million internet users in the United Kingdom at the start of 2023 with internet penetration of 97.8%. On the other hand, As per ofcom, the proportion of viewers who tune in to traditional broadcasts is 79% of the population. Moreover, Television advertising costs £3,500 – £4,300 per month in the UK but the advertising budget is highly flexible where a small business can target customers at a budget of £1 per day as well. Furthermore, they can also generate quality leads, sell their product, and achieve other strategic goals at much lower costs while increasing their ROI.

Enhanced Brand Value

Unlike traditional Marketing, online marketing provides a prominent opportunity for SME’s to tell their business story in an attractive way to their targeted customers. They can also establish a strong presence in the mind of their customer. A well-crafted website, engaging social media profile, and consistent content creation enhance brand awareness and make it easier for potential customers to remember the business name and Products/services.

Digital Marketing Helps Small Business in Creating their Brand Image

Measurable Results 

As John Wanamaker says, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” However, with the help of Online Marketing services, small businesses can measure accurately; the efforts of their advertising and they don’t need to waste big budgets on those efforts which don’t provide desired results. Moreover, they can also plan their future campaign based on previous results that may help in getting improved results.

Small Business Can Track their Marketing Activities accurately through Digital Platforms

Increased Conversion Rate

Online advertising provides various business goals to achieve. In Internet marketing, Goals are not only dedicated to Brand Awareness but there are also some other strategic goals like Lead Generation, Sales, Engagement, etc. 

To achieve these conversions’, Internet marketing provides various tactics such as WhatsApp-Marketing, Email-Marketing, Retargeting Ads, and Optimized Landing Pages. These tactics help small businesses to target those customers who are more likely to convert. Furthermore, these methods also target customers from other streets, cities, and countries; reaching out to whom might be impossible through offline channels.

Personalized Customer Experience

Online Marketing provides two-way communication to small businesses where they can get feedback directly from their customers and improve their products & Services as per customers’ desires. In addition, Email Marketing, WhatsApp Marketing, and Newsletters provide a prominent opportunity to offer personalized offers to different segments of targeted customers. These tactics help to treat every customer as a special guest and provide them; a personalized experience.


In a Nutshell, despite having a low budget and fewer resources small businesses can also leverage digital marketing services as it provides cost-effective alternatives to reach customers, an opportunity to enhance brand value, measure marketing efforts, get high conversion, and provide personalized experience to customers.
Get Free Consultation from QASTCO Experts with Specialized Digital Marketing Packages.